Quotes of Note
1,947 quotes spanning all time from Aristotle to WildeQuotes of Note is the perfect source for over 1,900 verified, fully-referenced quotations, famous sayings, maxims, mottoes, and speeches. From Aristotle to Shakespeare, Quotes of Note contains the most famous, profound, and inspirational ideas of all history, with complete citations. Quotes of Note topics are diverse, covering everything from Achievement, to Women, to Writing Quotes of Note is fully annotated with* 143 Diverse Topics* Cross-Referenced Subjects* Complete Table of Contents* Complete Authors Index* Fully-referenced Source IndexEach author is organized alphabetically within the chapter by last name, followed succinctly by known written works, proverbs, and finally anonymous authors. Each chapter heading also provides a thesaurus for related but distinct subjects contained in the book.The Table of Contents includes all chapters with similar subjects listed in subheadings.The Author's Index for Quotes of Note is among the most user-friendly reference fields in print today. Each author is carefully referenced by last name, pen name, noble prefix, and noble title.Quotes of Note includes the full name of every author, including middle names. All titles of nobility such as Barons and Dukes are listed after the author's name, and before their known year of birth and death.The Source Index of Quotes of Note clearly and concisely provides a reference of every possible source for known authors. Quotes of Note is carefully cited with every known author and the original work, speech, or volume it was presented in. Finally, the reference source is easy to use, organized by the author's last name or pen name.