Managing Financial Resources
Michael Broadbent and John Cullen have completely updated their best-selling textbook and write with customary authority and clarity about the complicated issues of financial planning; these include statistical and cost analysis, basic accounting procedures, methods of improving profitability and techniques of financial monitoring and control. Real examples and case studies are used throughout to illustrate points in a practical context. * brilliantly clear and comprehensive coverage of a difficult, but vital topic for managers to understand * new material includes - use of external databases (such as FAME); updated section on activity-based costing; capital budgeting; more coverage of the public sector and the hotel sector; completely new chapter on pricing. * numerous exercises and worked examples (with answers, when applicable) * real-life case studies and topical references. This book is designed to provide the underpinning knowledge and understanding required for any competency-based management course. It is based upon the Management Charter Initiative's Occupational Standards for Management NVQs and SVQs. This book is designed to provide the underpinning knowledge and understanding required for any competency-based management course. It is based upon the Management Charter Initiative's Occupational Standards for Management NVQs and SVQs. Michael Broadbent is Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance at Manchester Metropolitan University and has published numerous articles and co-authored the distance learning unit on Cost Management Accounting for the Open College. John Cullen is Principal Lecturer in the School of Financial Studies Sheffield Hallam University and is the author of numerous articles and case studies on budgetary control, acquisitions, costing and auditing. brilliantly clear and comprehensive coverage of a difficult, but vital topic for managers to understand new material includes - use of external databases (such as FAME); updated section on activity-based costing; capital budgeting; more coverage of the public sector and the hotel sector; completely new chapter on pricing. numerous exercises and worked examples (with answers, when applicable)