Michelangelo is a true Italian renaissance man. Best known for his painting, he was also a sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. Michelangelo wrote over three hundred poems--sonnets and madrigals about love express mostly its torments and the personal feelings of the Renaissance. Also included are Tommaso Campanella's philosophical poems. In the introduction the reason for putting two such different authors in the same volume is explained. "Michael Angelo was essentially an artist, living in the prime of the Renaissance. Campanella was a philosopher, born when the Counter-Reformation was doing all it could to blight the free thought of the sixteenth century; and when the modern spirit of exact enquiry, in a few philosophical martyrs, was opening a new stage for European science. The one devoted all his mental energies to the realization of beauty: the other strove to ascertain truth. The one clung to Ficino's dream of Platonising Christianity: the other constructed for himself a new theology, founded on the conception of God immanent in nature. Michael Angelo expressed the aspirations of a solitary life dedicated to the service of art, at a time when art received the suffrage and the admiration of all Italy. Campanella gave utterance to a spirit, exiled and isolated, misunderstood by those with whom he lived, at a moment when philosophy was hunted down as heresy and imprisoned as treason to the public weal."