In this collection, you will encounter adventure and spirituality, wisdom and wit, as well as insights which are both practical and philosophical. Cam Mervyn-Jones was raised in colonial India, served as an RAF Wing Commander in World War II, and lived as a family man in Australia. His varied life and broad reading have enabled him to pass on spiritual wisdom and the practical lessons that helped him navigate the challenges and contradictions we all face. He also recounts some of his adventures, which range from ditching his plane in the Adriatic to meeting Mae West in New York and the Queen Mother in London. Like a ripe bunch of grapes, Camchatta allows the reader to sample just one of his experiences at a time or the entire bunch. More information can be found at Cam Mervyn-Jones was born in 1918 in Cheshire, England. His early, formative years were spent in colonial India. Educated at an English boarding school, he later became an aeronautical engineer just prior to the outbreak of World War II. Cam joined the Royal Air Force and rose to the rank of Wing Commander. He was a bomber pilot, flying over Germany, North Africa and Italy and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). In 1960, he moved to Australia with his wife, Margaret, and their four children. Cam passed away on 4 March 2007 after eighty-eight well-lived years.