Sixty Years in Battle with the Power of the Devil and Still Counting
I have written my life story in every detail from a six-foot-by-nine-foot prison cell... I have felt as if I am dissecting a frog in biology class in high school. Many things stand out. Many things are uncovered that have been buried for years. My strengths, my faults, my failures, my desires, my selfishness, and my sinfulness all coming to light, not just to the reader but to myself. Glenn Taylor has had a lot of time to think about the life choices he has made and the consequences of his actions. From behind the bars of a prison floor, he chose to relive those memories with pencil and paper to better understand human nature. From physical abuse to being a crossing guard, from stealing car parts to hanging out at the drive-in, Glenn's childhood was saturated in emotional turmoil. While growing up he found happiness in women, disco dancing, and drag racing, then went on to be a successful bricklayer and nightclub owner. But still something was missing from his life. Sixty Years in Battle with the Power of the Devil and Still Counting: Part One recounts Glenn's life from his formative years as the youngest of six through his second marriage to his true love, Phyllis. Through this memoir, Glenn discovered that the devil is always battling with us, and sometimes it seems as though he is winning. But the war is not yet over. By God's grace we all have the chance to let him take control of our lives and fight the power of evil for us. Pain and sadness can be accompanied by joy and love if we only allow God to bring it into our lives.