Windsor Locks History
This is the first of a series of four books on the history of Windsor Locks, Connecticut. It contains 38 chapters about important people, places and events in the history of Windsor Locks. Windsor Locks history goes from 1663, when the first settlers reached the Pine Meadow section of the town of Windsor, CT. In 1854, the Pine Meadow section of WIndsor was incorporated into the separate town of Windsor Locks. So the history of WIndsor Locks goes from 1663 to the current time (2022), which is about three and a half centuries. The first two books of this series present chapters on important people, places and events in that history. Windsor Locks History: Volume III presents a number of sets of photo of the town taken from about 1880 to 1960, and as well as more descriptive chapters. The fourth book in the series is "Understanding Windsor Locks History", which focusses on the overeall structure of that history, dividing the three and a half centuries into four distinct phases that the town's evolution that the tow has gone through. It presents "chronological historiies" of the town by three different people, and ties together the stories of the first three books to the chronological history of the town. Descriptive histories give detailed accounts of the people, places and events, while the chronological histories list the events in the order in which they occurred. You can read either approach first, but tying the two together results in a deeper understanding of the town's history.