Discovering Nutrition
Incorporating the latest research and dietary guidelines, Discovering Nutrition, Seventh Edition introduces students to the fundamentals of nutrition with an engaging and personalized approach. Written with a diverse student population of nutrition majors and non-majors in mind, this text focuses on teaching behavior change and personal decision making with an emphasis on how our nutritional behaviors influence lifelong personal health and wellness, while also presenting up-to-date scientific concepts in several innovative ways. Students will learn practical consumer-based nutrition information using the features highlighted through the text, including the new Lifestyle Medicine feature introducing food is medicine, Why is this Important? feature describing the practical importance of key concepts, For Your Information boxes presenting controversial topics, and Quick Bites offering fun facts.Updated throughout to include the latest data, statistics, and references, the Seventh Edition also includes: - NEW - Lifestyle Medicine feature that introduces the concept of 'food is medicine' and explores how the daily choices we make, and our lifestyle behaviors impact our nutrition and overall health.- NEW - How Safe Is Your Drinking Water feature includes ways to protect yourself from waterborne pathogens in the home and recent EPA rules regarding PFAS in water supplies- UPDATED - Quick Bite feature has been updated to include current nutrition and health topics- UPDATED - Content reflects the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and revised content in Canada' guidelines for healthy eating.- EXPANDED discussion of organic foods and genetically engineered foods includes greenhouse gas emissions and a new USDA labeling rule- Navigate Advantage Access in each new print copy unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.