The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony F.O.C.U.S. Journal
The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony F.O.C.U.S. Journal holds a special place in The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL Kit as you F.O.C.U.S. by finding organizational clarity utilizing simplicity. As a steering wheel, it guides your activities allowing you to be more productive with a focus on balance. As discussed in chapter two of the book, "to be fully productive and stress free within the 360 perspective, each of your life components and the environments you maintain need to be in harmony. Think of harmony as an orderly arrangement of the parts of your lives that creates a whole pleasing to you. Balance is not about equality of time or effort expended on any one part of life, but rather about maintaining an arrangement where excessive emphasis on one part does not create stress in another, leading to a discordant, unsatisfying, and stressful whole." This is means it is important to assess where you are with your overall balance and all the little details that affect your overall balance, such as your health & wellness, wealth & abundance, reputation, relationships, fun & creativity, mentors & travel, career or business, learning & knowledge, and your center. There are a total of sixteen week's worth of journal pages allowing time to practice the F.O.C.U.S. method for the remaining chapters of the book if you spend one week per chapter. Although spending one week per chapter drags out the process, it allows time to integrate what you have learned from the chapter into everyday life before moving on to the next chapter. Within The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony F.O.C.U.S. Journal, you will find your scoreboard for each day while you are pursuing to establish a 360 balance between work, home and you. It is a way to stay accountable and focused on what is most important while connecting to the bigger goals on your Balance & Harmony 360 Transformation Map. There are five day's worth of daily goals followed by one page of weekend goals that provide a space at the top for your three F.O.C.U.S. areas and a space underneath for what needs done, what needs deleted, and what needs delegated. This F.O.C.U.S. Journal is not a place to list the 40 million things on your to-do list, as it is a place to plan for what is most important to accomplish for the day or week-end. Once a week, you will mark an "X" on the percentage of balance felt the previous week on a Balance Chart and reflect on the week's accomplishments or set-backs. When focusing on your goals, take into consideration what your balance chart looks like when it comes to your balance. If feeling less balanced with your health or relationships, allow your time for the next week to focus in on those areas. To access the full potential of The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony OWL Kit utilizing the OWL (Organize With focus to Liberate) method, you should read a chapter from The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony book, go deeper with the corresponding Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony Workbook chapter, implement the The Complete Guide for Balance & Harmony F.O.C.U.S. Journal, and utilize the supplemental tools including the Balance Box, Transfer Cards, What is On Your Plate, Balance & Harmony 360 Transformation Map, and the Balance & Harmony 360 Energy Map as they arise throughout the book.