Between Worlds
"More than just a concise handbook and rhetoric guide, this thematically-organized collection of over 70 readings centered around the theme of "between-ness," discussing concepts such as being caught between generations, living with diverse cultures, dealing with gender conflicts, exploring multiple perceptions of self and others, and accepting or rejecting others' values. This guide to writing, reading and rhetoric features 36 new readings, covering timely topics, such as interpreting advertising, the influence of violence in the media, new family patterns, and living online. An introduction to reading actively begins the reading section, and questions and writing suggestions end of each reading. Writers' strategies and strengths so students can apply this information to their own work. This book also provides new detailed annotations and explanatory notes for the argument essay and for the research paper, and up-to-date electronic research coverage. For those interested in reading, critical thinking, rhetoric and writing." -- Publisher.