From Thick To Thin In 25 Weeks
ABOUT THE BOOK 500925 FROM THICK TO THIN This book has been written by a woman who suffered debilitating chronic back pain, she also suffered a host of medical issues. The debilitating back pain is now gone and so are most of the medical issues she faced, this woman has gone from a walking stick to running. This is one woman determination to get better and stay healthy. When all else failed when all others gave up when no one would give her another look or chance, she fought for herself. It’s a short and sweet book that is easy to read, it’s a refreshing look at a everyday women who has overcome many of life’s difficulties working towards overcoming hurdles that keep coming up she doesn’t receive awards for her daily life heroism raising a family of 4 children and a grandmother to one, nor does she soak in the luxuries of wealth, which would offer her a chef and nutritionist, nor does she have a personal trainer, a cleaner or nanny and her doctor is not on stand-by waiting for her to ring, no this woman just keeps going even when the odds are stacked against her, this is her personal journey, of one person with a will to inspire others not to give up. and not to follow but be a leader and just because one weight loss method or ten weight loss methods tried don’t work it doesn’t mean you give up, it means you have to keep looking until you find the one that works for you the one that jells for you, the one that will work for you. This book is about a honest to goodness look at the way one every day woman in her forties got her groove back her health and her life back, this book tell you what she did to lose over two metres of her body size in 25 weeks, in a easy read book, it’s a easy to digest format in layman’s terms, you won’t find stats or scientific research in this book nor will you find models or any touch up work to the photos in this book. No complicated talk, no Hebrew language to decipher from some 2000 thousand years ago, this book has been written in a easy to understand text. The book contains before and after photos, this book contains the foods eaten and the type of exercise used. It also contains the tools used to achieve and maintain weight loss. So if you need inspiration this is the book to read. At the end of the day the choices we make are the ones we have to live with what we eat how we dress wether we exercise wether we work etc, at some point we can no longer blame other or something else for what we have become because I believe each and every one of us know the difference between what is good and what is bad it’s all about choices and learning to say no to ourselves, it’s about being in control of our self and having ownership of ourselves and not expecting others to do the work for us. The book is full of real pictures from the start of her weight loss journey her story was never meant to be put into a book, but throughout her weight loss journey she inspired other to find there way to weight loss, and so the book was born. The book also contains photos of her partner Jeremy who also lost weight following her eating principles. The book tells of the two tools she used to launch her weight loss and maintain her weight loss. This book follows her weight loss journey from beginning to end and 2 years on, it shows her gradual weight loss both by her body measurements and weighing herself on the scales. As she meticulously recorded her weight loss journey, everything she did to loss the weight has been record right here in this book. The author shows her weight loss wasn’t just about changing what you eat but that weight loss has so many more elements and that her weight loss journey contained so many more changes the book shows weight loss is hard and even harder to maintain but not impossible, it shows if we really want something then we have to have the determination and disciple to achieve what we