Sexualities and Society
Sexualities and Society adopts a fresh, sociological perspective to explore the development of sexualities across both public and private spheres, giving thoughtful consideration to heterosexualities, cis, bi and trans identities. Divided into three parts, the book starts with an exploration into the history of sexuality, before covering the key theories, and how research into sexualities has been, and could be, conducted. Parts two and three examine how sexualities are framed by cultural factors and social institutions – including the media, religion, and politics – and considers the impact of how significant issues such as identity, age, health and violence relate to sexuality. Employing a range of international case studies, up to date policy developments, and engaging learning features such as ‘discussion points’ and ′fact file′ sections, this book is essential reading for students studying sexuality across sociology, social policy, social care, media, and politics.