HarikathÈ (lit. stories of the Lord) is the exposition of a religioustheme, usually the life of a saint or a story from one ofIndia s scriptural texts. Its purpose is to spread devotion to theDivine. HarikathÈ is a composite art containing story-telling,poetry, music, drama, dance, and philosophy. Any story aboutGod or about saints, who are the living exemplars for the existenceof God, is an appropriate subject matter for HarikathÈ.The greatness of HarikathÈ lies in the fact that it providesone of the easiest, if not the easiest path to attaining lastinghappiness and peace. Not only does a kathÈ please its listener,as other fine arts do, but it also comforts the mind and elevatesthe soul of the listener. Thus, as it entertains, it enlightens.Meera Grimes (also known as Balameera Chandra) is wellknown in India for her HarikathÈ performances. Meera is alsoa Bharata Natyam dancer and teacher.