Emergency Department Compliance Manual 2009
Emergency Department Compliance Manual, 2009 Edition provides everything you need to stay in compliance with complex emergency department regulations. The list of questions helps you quickly locate specific guidance on difficult legal areas such as: Complying with COBRA Dealing with psychiatric patients Negotiating consent requirements Obtaining reimbursement for ED services Avoiding employment law problems Emergency Department Compliance Manual also features first-hand advice from staff members at hospitals that have recently navigated a Joint Commission survey and includes frank and detailed information. Organized by topic, it allows you to readily compare the experiences of different hospitals. Because of the Joint Commission's hospital-wide, function-based approach to evaluating compliance, it's been difficult to know specifically what's expected of you in the ED... Emergency Department Compliance Manual includes a concise grid outlining the most recent Joint Commission standards which will help you learn what responsibilities you have for demonstrating compliance. Plus, Emergency Department Compliance Manual includes sample documentation that hospitals across the country have used to show compliance with legal requirements and Joint Commission standards: Age-related competencies Patient assessment policies and procedures Consent forms Advance directives Policies and protocols Roles and responsibilities of ED staff Quality improvement tools Conscious sedation policies and procedures Triage, referral, and discharge policies and procedures and much more! Emergency Department Compliance Manual, 2009 Edition has been updated to include coverage of: Voluntary self-disclosure of fraud When a Corporate Integrity Agreement will be put in place Medical staff credentialing, evaluation, and contract requirements Guidelines for using Physicians Assistants and Nurse Practitioners in the ED Joint Commission requirements for communicating test results, labeling medications, reconciling medications across the continuum of care, and anticoagulation therapy Various aspects of patient flow, including how to handle it, actions the ED And The hospital can take to improve it, and making staff changes to improve it Updated sections on hospital accreditation standards New forms, policies, and other reference materials to facilitate compliance, including: ED Capacity Capability Matrix; Sample Policy on Granting Privileges to Medical Staff and Allied Health Professionals; Injection Safety Information for Providers; Guidelines for Faxing Patient Health Information; and more!