The Jews of Libya
In this revised edition Prof. Roumani presents new and original material on the deportation of Libyan Jews to French North Africa, offering new insights and aspects of the consequences of the Racial Laws and of anti-Semitism as rooted in Fascist ideology. He reveals one the unknown incidents (accidents) of the war, the bombing of La Marsa, and the resulting massacre of many Libyan Jews. The end of the war witnessed the complicated negotiations among the Allied forces in the repatriation of the deportees and the mediation of the AJDC in aiding the resettlement of the deportees in their native countries. Reviews and endorsements of the original publication are available on the Press website. They include: "He uses a wide range of archival and oral sources, many of which have never been used before. Throughout the book, he reveals a mastery of the social and political history, and a fine understanding of the lives, hopes, fears and aspirations of Libyan Jews," From the Foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert; and: "An impeccably researched, richly documented, and keenly insightful survey of Libyan Jewry's social and political evolution in the twentieth century. He achieves an admirable bal