Getting Your Kids to Think!
This book helps you to acquire skills for parenting kids who are growing up in the information age. Kids are exposed to a tremendous amount of information and that can help them or hurt them. Parents can't be there every minute to tell the kid what to do. Risks and dangers are lurking around every corner and even your child's cell phone can give a stranger his/her GPS location. To help kids develop THINKING skills, this book helps parents raise their children in ways that PROMOTE the child to have ownership of their own problems. Eventually, kids start thinking, what happens if I do this? What happens if I do that? Successful parents set up opportunities for their kids to learn life's lessons about relationships, responsibilities and good self care. As they are learning, it is better that a child fall into your safety net while learning helpful lessons than if they wait until adult hood and then face devastating consequences. Some parents think that their kids are too old and it is too late to change. No. It is never to late to change. Parents have been able to use this information on teens and children at any age. In fact this book will revolutionize all of the way that you yourself look at the world. This book will help you let go of worrying about a problem and suddenly you start finding ways to let your CHILD worry about the problem. Once you have a grasp of how power and control works, you will begin to set up opportunities for learning life's lessons. Your children will use their own power and control and along with it, they will experience the resulting rewards or consequences. Many parents have told me that this isn't just for your kids. It is for spouses, lovers, employees, employers, students and just about all of the interactions that you encounter from day to day living. This book teaches you about HOW humans think, process and learn. As parents, we are helping kids to connect the dots and see the outcomes of their own decisions. Instead of getting mad at our kids, we look forward to setting up Significant Learning Opportunities (SLO) and with some practice, kids begin to make decisions that everyone can live with. This book takes complex issues and makes them understandable and offers ideas for you to begin using immediately. Maurice has written this from his educational background and he has parented two of his own and knows what you are going through and what you need to succeed. Get this book today. You won't regret it.