UNDERSEA is Seaton's free-wheeling series of love notes to her transplanted sea-struck self and her salty sidekick--poems that celebrate her signature wit and joy in that wild state of mind called Florida. Author Caridad Moro-Gronlier writes of UNDERSEA: Told with her singular wit and wisdom honed by salt and sun and brine, the poems are besotted with Florida-its superhero pelicans, the rum-macerated retirees baking in the sun, the soundtrack of air-conditioning, and a lover's night terrors playing in an oceanside efficiency. The speaker in these poems is love-laden but clear-eyed, sure that "there is no line between water and sky," the perfect "stark raving" guide for the reader eager to "?proceed until the edge of the cave / or run out of air, whichever comes first." Author Gregg Shapiro said: Poet diva Maureen Seaton's sun- and sea-drenched poetry collection combines all of her strengths: teacher, lover, observer, seeker, reporter, tour guide, singer, naturalist, rover, sibling, and wordsmith. Seaton invites readers to a faulty but irresistible paradise, complete with detailed instructions, and we'd be foolish not to accept. Still playful, still furiously cooking up ways to feed our poetic hunger. Seaton's Undersea is a thirst-quenching series of love poem postcards to and from Florida. Author Julie Marie Wade said: A Novella in Poems says of UNDERSEA: I was flung loose from my body so many times, sailing across the Sunshine State on a cloud of sensuous imagery. In Seaton's rendering of this land we love, "Avocados/fall like big and little bombs," "egrets grow fat on curly fries," and "there is no line between water and sky." Come for the "gibbous moonlight," the "canny pelicans," a "speedboat full of gangsters." Stay for the long-won wisdom of the poet herself, who hearkens Blake's imperative to "see the world in a grain of sand"--literally and figuratively, too. Seaton is the glass and the salt, the sling and the shot, "the blue ineffable" that lingers beyond her most luminous feats of language.?