Breaking the Culture of Bullying and Disrespect, Grades K-8
Even in primary school, students suffer from bullying, aggression, and harassment at the hands of other students. Teachers and Headteachers deal with incidents of disrespect day in and day out, taking valuable time and energy away from instruction and force teachers into the role of disciplinarian. Often teachers and other educators resort to using stricter forms of control and behaviuor modification to stop bullying, but usually this doesn′t solve the problem and also threatens the student-teacher relationship. The fact is, students don′t want to be bullies, but for many they feel it′s their only option in a given situation. By first understanding students′ experiences, teachers and other educators can help students discover other options for dealing with problematic situations that avoid bullying, aggression, and harassment. The authors provide ideas, strategies, and activities that promote respect, responsibility, and tolerance. The authors-a school psychologist and an elementary school teacher-interviewed dozens of students and educators and have tested their strategies in dozens of schools. The book includes numerous easy-to-implement activities along with programs and curricula appropriate for working with individual students, classes, and whole schools. This accessible and jargon-free resource includes first-person quotes from students and teachers, successful stories of students overcoming problems of bullying and disrespect, frequently asked questions, reflective questions, examples of student work, and a glossary.