All praises to the Sustainer of the worlds, and grace, honor and salutations on the Chief of Apostles and Seal of Prophets, Muhammad, his family, companions and those who followed him in an excellent fashion and invited mankind towards Allah, till the Day of Resurrection. This is a reality which can be stated without any ambiguity and Exaggeration, that in the Islamic world of today the most power full, use full and all-encompassing effort, is the struggle of the Tablighi Jamaat whose center is situated at the Tablighi Markaz Nizamuddin,Delhi(India). The scope of this effort and its impact is not restricted to the India subcontinent, or Asia, but extends to many continents and to a host of Islamic and Non- Islamic States. The history if such campaigns and revolutionary or reformative movements shows that,after passage of a period of time,or when the scope of the effort enlarge greatly ( specially when, by means of it, the attainment of certain advantages and leadership become apparent)then such weaknesses, unwanted objectives and neglect of the original goals set in, which reduce or even totally wipe out the true influence of the work.