Most people, on learning that someone is unmarried, assume that it is not by choice. Unmarried women, particularly, are seen as being incompetent or unattractive. Marriage, in an economy dominated by males, is still seen as a form of success, while a single woman is regarded as a failure. Single men are often seen as being immature, selfish, tied to mother, or deeply inadequate. The authors of this book compare singles with marrieds to separate myths and realities. Questionnaires were also given to members of a singles organization. The research yielded such interesting results as: far from being selfish, singles devote more time to community work. They are not richer, even without the expense of children, because they have to pay so much tax. They do have more fun, but they are indeed more lonely. This book presents one of the first extended scientific studies of this much misunderstood minority. 'This is a well-conducted survey of a group that has not received much attention in the past, and should be of interest to all professionals concerned with marriage and family.' -- Personality and Individual Differences