Assassination of a Saint
"Informational goulash" : prior investigations of the Romero assassination -- "In violation of the law of nations" : the Romero assassination comes to the United States -- "The enemy comes from our people" : coffee, anti-communism, and the death squads -- "The door of history" : Archbishop Romero and the Catholic Church in El Salvador -- "A bed to drop dead in" : the search for Álvaro Saravia and the death squad financiers -- "Arena's Achilles' heel" : our first trip to El Salvador -- "Baby robbers, mad bombers, and other assorted criminals" : Saravia's escape to Miami brings U.S. foreign policy full circle -- "You're making a lot of noise" : looking for evidence on the death squad financiers -- "You know better than to ask that" : the search for the getaway driver -- "A rabid anti-communist" : meeting witnesses from the Arena party -- "We don't have a clue what the hell is going on" : the continuing hunt for Saravia and insider witnesses -- "God forgive me for what I'm going to do" : an insider goes on the record -- "There must have been a thousand Romeros" : final interviews and trial preparation -- "Of a magnitude that is hardly describable" : the Romero assassination case goes to trial -- "The fleas always stick to the skinniest dog" : the verdict's impact on Saravia