Mary’s Musings
Family and faith are the cornerstones of a happy, fulfilling life. God intended it to be this way, and our memories with our loved ones can sustain us even through those times when life can be overwhelming and full of challenges. In Marys Musings, author, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother Mary Kula Zoeller shares heartfelt and inspirational stories about her family, and this touching devotional provides both humorous anecdotes and a few sad tales that will inspire fellow Christian believers to reflect on their own families and faith. Mary dwells on her life in Christ, encouraging us to recognize the power of prayer and to ask the Lord for peace and joy. Songs and scriptures also accompany Marys reflections, inviting us to turn to the Word of God and ponder Gods truth. If time is of the essence but you can relate to families, friends, and funnot to mention being together in eternitythen Marys Musings is just the devotional you can use to find daily inspiration. May God richly bless us all!