Blessed: My Battle with Brain Disease is the story of battling a terrible disease with spirituality, as well as medical expertise. Mary Stevens, then Sister Leah Patrice, mysterious illness began when she was in her late teens and plagues her through the years, as doctor after doctor told her it was "all in your head." When her Mother Superior sent her to yet another doctor, he told her, "You need sex. That would solve your whole problem," She, a Sister of St. Joseph was humiliated. Mary remained in the Order of the Sister of St. Joseph, teaching the children of the parish as long as she could, plagued by an illness that no one could put a name to. Finally, she returned to live with her parents in the secular world, but continued teaching. She was subjected to test of all kinds, some extremely painful. She met and married Bob Stevens and the couple was told that May could never have children. Mary and Bob didn't believe it and went on to have three healthy children, now grown and living productive lives. Unfortunately, Mary was to endure many years of pain and unknowing until a chance remark led a doctor to correctly diagnose her problem. She had acromegaly, a pituitary disorder. In Steven's words, Blessed, was written "not only to educate people on pituitary tumors but also to stress that no matter what problems you must face-physical, mental, social, economic-stay positive in your attitudes and actions and let God be a part of your life. In addition to Mary Steven's story, the book contains an Appendix with seven case studies; a section discussing the symptoms of acromegaly, along with those of similar diseases; and a glossary. The author, now retired, lives in Florida with her husband of many years.