Stem Cells
Stem cell science, encompassing basic biology to practical application, is both vast and diverse. A full appreciation of it requires an understanding of cell and molecular biology, tissue structure and physiology, the practicalities of tissue engineering and bioprocessing, and the pathways to clinical implementation—including the ethical and regulatory imperatives that our society requires us to address. Expectation and debate have been driven by the allure of regenerative medicine using stem cells as a source of replacements for damaged or aged tissues. The potential of stem cell application goes far beyond this. Highly innovative uses of stem cells are emerging as possible therapies for cancers, treating acute damage in conditions such as stroke and myocardial infarction, and resolving a whole range of diseases. Stem Cells: Biology and Application presents the basic concepts underlying the fast-moving science of stem cell biology. This textbook is written for an advanced stem cell biology course. The target audience includes senior undergraduates, first year graduate students, and practitioners in molecular biology, biology, and biomedical engineering. Stem Cells provides a comprehensive understanding of these unique cells, highlighting key areas of research, associated controversies, case studies, technologies, and pioneers in the field.