Words for Gardeners
Every day, we are fortunate to witness God's wondrous creation ... whether it's a bluebird singing in a tree, a bouquet of fresh-cut flowers standing tall in a vase or newly picked green beans from a garden. In the fifth book in the Words to Live By series, Mary Engelbreit illustrates for us the beauty of the world that we live in -- the world that gardeners embrace with such enthusiasm -- with her charming, detailed artwork and heart-warming verse. Flowers gardens -- the simplicity of nature itself -- provides for us a sense of peace and security when we take a moment to stop and appreciate our incredible world. Gardeners have a special way of keeping everything around us so lovely with their tender care, patience and everlasting hard work. Throughout the pages of this keepsake book, they'll appreciate and value these inspirational words from well-known poets, artists and writers. This certainly will make the perfect gift for enthusiastic gardeners or for those of us who simply enjoy the wonderment of the outdoors. Mary Engelbreit, one of America's favorite artists, is known for her colorful and intricate designs, which adorn more than 14 million greeting cards sold each year. She has illustrated more than 150 book titles to date, and her artwork appears on nearly 6,500 stationery, gift, and home decor products. Her popular book and calendar programs continue to deliver Mary's unique vision of life, home and family. Mary lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her family. Book jacket.