A People and a Nation
The Brief Edition of A People and a Nation preserves the text's basic approach to American history as a story of all American people. Known for a number of strengths—including its well-respected author team and engaging narrative—the book emphasizes social history, giving particular attention to race and racial identity. Through its thoughtful inclusion of everyday people, cultural diversity, work, and popular culture, A People and a Nation brings history to life. Like its full-length counterpart, the Brief Seventh Edition challenges students to think about the implications of events in American history. Several popular features have been retained and updated, including "Legacies for a People and a Nation" and chapter-opening vignettes. A new "Links to the World" feature connects U.S. history to global events and provides Web links for further research on topics such as international piracy, baseball in Japan, OPEC, and AIDS. New! Co-authors Fredrik Logevall and Beth Bailey bring new scholarship on international relations and American culture to Volume II. Both authors contribute significant content on diversity, environmental issues, and other matters specific to the western United States. New! Volume II has been reorganized—with particular attention to Chapters 30–33—so that world and domestic events are treated in the same chapter. For example, coverage of the Vietnam War and protests against it are now addressed in Chapter 30. This reorganization allows for a more chronologically organized text and the integration of new scholarship. New! All chapters have been thoroughly updated to account for cutting-edge scholarship and recent events. New! More than 1/3 of the chapter-opening vignettes, which invite students to experience living and making decisions in different eras, are new to the Seventh Edition. New! More than 1/3 of the "Legacies for A People and a Nation" are new, including reparations for slavery, freedom of speech and the ACLU, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appearing after each chapter summary, these "Legacies" demonstrate the importance of the past to the present and provide a forum for contemporary analysis. New! Eduspace for History is an online learning tool that pairs the widely recognized resources of Blackboard with quality content from Houghton Mifflin. Eduspace for History offers access to primary sources, interactive maps, and supplemental study materials, as well as writing tips and tutorials (and, in qualified adoption situations, the anti-plagiarism resources of MyDropBox).