Hans Brinker
A Dutch brother and sister work toward two goals--finding the doctor who can restore their father's memory and winning the competition for the silver skates. For more than a century Mary Mapes Dodge's delightful children's story has been read and reread, holding its place as a genuine American classic. "A charming domestic story, which is address, indeed, to young people, but which may be read with pleasure and profit by their elders....Mrs. Dodge's humor is delightful." -Atlantic Monthly "Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge...was in a very true and intimate sense a friend of many thousands of children. More than the grown person, the child is instinctively aware of real sympathy and friendliness; and it was because these were at the heart of everything that Mrs. Dodge wrote, and of all her work as an editor, that she was so beloved by her young readers. In all she did thoroughness was a notable element, and it was for this reason that, from her very first attempt, Mrs. Dodge had complete success. Thus, her most famous tale,' 'Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates,' was not only a charming story of child life, but a perfect and exact picture of Holland and its people. It is said that in writing 'Hans Brinker' Mrs. Dodge had every chapter read critically by two Dutch friends, and that before beginning the work she made an exhaustive study in libraries and literature of everything that could help her to make the picture correct. This book has been translated into many languages, and has been especially popular in Holland itself. It maintains its place with the child readers of today, despite the lapse of years." -New Outlook "Abounding in descriptions of life rarely touched by novelists, and animated by an excellent spirit." -Boston Evening Transcript "The authoress has shown in her former works for the young a very rare ability to meet their wants, but she has produced nothing better than this charming tale, alive with incident and action, adorned rather than freighted with useful facts, and moral without moralization." -The Nation "The characters are pictured with almost photographic distinctness and power." -New York Christian Inquirer "One of the best works of the kind the young folks were ever permitted to lay hands upon." -New York Evening Express "A very charming story." -New York Evening Post "A pleasant story, wrought out in all its details with the minuteness of a Dutch painting, of life in Holland in the olden time." -Harper's Monthly "There have been few pleasanter books than Mrs. Dodge's." -Philadelphia Evening Gazette "Deserves a place on the library shelves and in the hearts of the children of the present day." -New York Evening Post