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Becoming Australian
Becoming Australian
The year 2013 is the 40th anniversary of the end of the 'White Australia policy'. In these four decades Australia's immigration policy has shifted from a primary concern with cultural homogeneity or Britishness to a focus on demand-based skills through an increasingly fine-tuned system of points tests, occupation lists and employer-sponsored visas. Despite disproportionate politicisation of asylum seekers in recent public discourse, the intake of refugees and humanitarian entrants has remained relatively small. While Australia's contemporary migrant and refugee intake is truly multicultural, and governments continue to adhere to an official multicultural policy, integration into the Australian community and culture has been the dominant process, especially for second and third generation Australians. Australian identity and citizenship have changed in the last forty years, making Australia and its people more pluralistic and richly diverse. Becoming Australian focuses on the ways in which migrants and refugees meet the challenges of 'becoming Australian' and the transformative process for Australia and its people as they incorporate the continuing influx of multicultural peoples.
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Psychoneuroendocrinology Research Trends
Psychoneuroendocrinology Research Trends
Psychoneuroendocrinology is the clinical study of hormone fluctuations and their relationship to human behaviour. It may be viewed from the perspective of psychiatry, where in certain mood disorders, there are associated neuroendocrine or hormonal changes. It may also be viewed from the perspective of endocrinology, where certain endocrine disorders can be associated with psychiatric illness. It is the blend of psychiatry and endocrinology. This new book presents the latest research advances in the field.
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Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain
Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain
The book analyzes the place of religious difference in late modernity through a study of the role played by Jews and Muslims in the construction of contemporary Spanish national identity. The focus is on the transition from an exclusive, homogeneous sense of collective Self toward a more pluralistic, open and tolerant one in an European context. This process is approached from different dimensions. At the national level, it follows the changes in nationalist historiography, the education system and the public debates on national identity. At the international level, it tackles the problem from the perspective of Spanish foreign policy towards Israel and the Arab-Muslim states in a changing global context. From the social-communicational point of view, the emphasis is on the construction of the Self–Other dichotomy (with Jewish and Muslim others) as reflected in the three leading Spanish newspapers.
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The Psychosocial Impacts of Whistleblower Retaliation
The Psychosocial Impacts of Whistleblower Retaliation
This book analyzes the harms related to whistleblower retaliation, its psychosocial impacts on employees, and the institutional dysfunction it creates and perpetuates. Stigma and biases against whistleblowers interfere with their ability to make protected disclosures when harm to others is at stake. Retaliatory toxic tactics create an atmosphere and corporate culture that embodies fear and encourages bystander behavior. In this book, the authors explore psychosocial impacts across domains that include financial, legal, social, physical, and emotional well-being. Ten of the 14 chapters specifically examine the toxic tactics of retaliation: gaslighting, mobbing, marginalizing, shunning, devaluing, double-binding, career blocking, counter-accusing, bullying, and doxxing. These toxic tactics are the building blocks of workplace traumatic stress (WTS) and can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance abuse, and suicide. WTS is a term that differentiates between workplace violence or job stress, which can be components of WTS but do not fully describe the systemic hostile work environment that targets an employee. Understanding WTS and how it disrupts identity, causes moral injury, and shatters world views are important aspects for clinicians treating clients who are victims of this kind of hostile work environment. The Psychosocial Impacts of Whistleblower Retaliation is a useful resource offering a new way for social workers, mental health providers, advocates, and other support services professionals and practitioners to assist whistleblowers. It helps clinicians understand how to view patients suffering from whistleblower retaliation and gives them a lexicon for forensic evaluations. Lawyers, especially those specializing in employment, labor, and Qui Tam cases, also could benefit from having a means to describe the psychosocial impacts of retaliation and WTS on their clients when filing for compensatory damages for pain and suffering during judicial proceedings. Finally, the book could appeal to employees and managers, human resources professionals, victim rights advocates, elected officials, media personnel, and other professionals who are interested in learning more about whistleblower retaliation and its psychosocial and cultural implications.
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Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: State of the Art, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: State of the Art, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics
The latest developments in the field of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy are featured in this issue of Heart Failure Clinics. Edited by Drs. Luigi Padeletti, Martina Nesti, and Giuseppe Boriani, the issue includes more than 20 articles in the following areas: heart failure; cost of heart failure; ventricular dissynchrony and resynchronization; assessment of dissynchrony; indication for CRT implantation; implantation technique; measures to improve CRT benefit on AF patients; and many more.
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Ruth Schonthal
Ruth Schonthal
A monograph about Ruth Schonthal, the internationally-renowned composer whose works are performed worldwide. Parts of this work are based on conversation that the author conducted with Ms Schonthal. It has also been a contribution to exile research concerned with artists that fled from Nazi Germany in their childhood.
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De la nobleza y la caballería. Privilegio, poder y servicio en la articulación de la sociedad moderna ss. XVI- XVII
De la nobleza y la caballería. Privilegio, poder y servicio en la articulación de la sociedad moderna ss. XVI- XVII
En este libro nos encontramos con la participación de un número enorme de autores, procedentes de todas las regiones de la península, incluida Portugal, pero también procedentes de Italia. La diversidad territorial y de género, se complementa con la variedad de aproximaciones historiográficas. El tema general es el mismo: un análisis de la creación, evolución y activismo de la nobleza ligada a la Monarquía Hispana, aunque en varios casos se analiza esta misma nobleza, o algunas manifestaciones del honor (las Órdenes Militares y otras órdenes de caballería), desde una perspectiva paneuropea. Si estos son los temas generales, el lector se encontrará en este volumen con estudios de la economía del favor, la creación de comunidades de clientes y seguidores, las relaciones corona-nobleza, los conflictos de competencia entre varios poderes e instituciones. En definitiva, todo el arco de temas que nos permitirá un mejor conocimiento de uno de los pilares centrales de las sociedades del periodo moderno. La lectura de estas ponencias es también una clara muestra del brillante futuro que espera a los estudios sobre la nobleza, la monarquía, las Órdenes Militares, y en general, las estructuras de la España moderna. Con prólogo de Antonio Feros
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Coordination Compounds 3
Coordination Compounds 3
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