The Viewer
An exhibition catalogue of artworks by Gloria Stern. Stern's new series of work on canvas explores the exchange between viewer and artwork, questioning what goes on in the imagined space between the viewer and the viewed. The artwork expresses its own personality, Stern suggests, and often it speaks back to us. Stern has created a rich synthesis of past idioms and abstract forms. 'The Viewer' refers to a new consideration of art that treats the artwork as a launching point for an experience, not a final contact. In this new series Stern is shifting the lens, diverging from a narrative representation of life, to a more personal vision. The Viewer poses, "a kind of performative allegory on the relationship of viewer and viewed and their violation of borders," according to catalogue writer Martina Copley.* "It seems perplexingly in Stern's work that the view itself is viewing us." Stern exposes the contingencies that escape our habits of seeing, orchestrating paintings that seemlessly shift from the real to the imaged. She "exposes the contingencies that escape our habits of seeing," says Copley. Gloria Stern's past exhibitions include Helen Gory Galerie (1996 and 1999), Gallery 101 (2003, 2005 and 2007), and Artman Gallery (2012). She has displayed works at the Melbourne International Art Fair (2002) and the Boroondara Town Hall Gallery. She has been recognised in several awards including Finalist positions in the Williamstown Contemporary Art Prize (2009) and the Calleen Art Award at Cowra Regional Art Gallery (2010 and 2011). Her works are featured in the collections of Cowan Design, Melbourne, and the City of Boroondara Collection, Melbourne. Her paintings have been acquired for private collections in Australia, UK, USA, and New Zealand. She will be included in two upcoming exhibitions at The Town Hall Gallery (Booroondara), curated by Mardi Nowak: 'Ten Years of Collecting,' and 'Act of Seeing.' *Martina Copley, artist, writer and curator. Excerpts from "The Viewer," Artman Gallery catalogue essay, October 2013.