Land Law 2009-2010
Part of the successful Routledge-Cavendish Q&A series, which provides students with essential advice and guidance on essay and exam success, this new edition has been fully updated and revised to incorporate new developments in land law since the publication of the previous edition, including full reference to the Land Registration Act 2002 and an assessment of the new legislation. It covers: the new system of adverse possession recent cases on the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 the impact of human rights in property law proposed reforms of the law of co-ownership Demonstrating effective methods of answering typical exam and assessment questions, each chapter is arranged so that basic principles are considered first, with more complex issues being dealt with once simpler ones have been mastered. Giving students an important insight into exactly what examiners are looking for in an answer, this book is an excellent revision and practice guide.