The Dark Underbelly of Hymns
HYMN: a song in praise to God, or gods. UNDERBELLY: the underside of an animal; an inferior or concealed part of something. Staple these two ideas together in dark unnatural congress and you get something like a mime with Tourette's Syndrome, shouting random obscenities at a little girl on the street. You get men (and a heavily tattooed, bodily-modified woman named Godiva - rowrrr!) who just aren't right in the head, but who are allowed to roam the streets with razors and drivers licenses and ferrets like they're normal, church-going people, singing normal, church-going songs, right up until that moment when you realize they're really singing demented clown-chants. No, these stories are not hymns, but "The Dark Underbelly of Hymns". Enjoy! Martin Mundt's second collection of horror, humor and the macabre contains a dozen must-read tales, including "The Worst Mime In The World" and "The 'Nothing Good Ever Came Out Of Being Asked By Your Girlfriend If You Were A Cannibal' Blues."