Multiparameter Bifurcation Theory
This 1985 AMS Summer Research Conference brought together mathematicians interested in multiparameter bifurcation with scientists working on fluid instabilities and chemical reactor dynamics. This proceedings volume demonstrates the mutually beneficial interactions between the mathematical analysis, based on genericity, and experimental studies in these fields. Various papers study steady state bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation to periodic solutions, interactions between modes, dynamic bifurcations, and the role of symmetries in such systems. A section of abstracts at the end of the volume provides guides and pointers to the literature. The mathematical study of multiparameter bifurcation leads to a number of theoretical and practical difficulties, many of which are discussed in these papers. The articles also describe theoretical and experimental studies of chemical reactors, which provide many situations in which to test the mathematical ideas. Other test areas are found in fluid dynamics, particularly in studying the routes to chaos in two laboratory systems, Taylor-Couette flow between rotating cylinders and Rayleigh-Benard convection in a fluid layer.