Guiderails is the autobiography that chronicles my life from 1962 to 2022. It was written with the intention of being a gift to my children - Brian, Andrew, Jack, and Benjamin - as well as their future descendants. My hope is that by sharing my personal experiences and insights, I can serve as a guidepost to help them navigate their own journeys. However, it is not just my family who may benefit from the wisdom I have gained over the years. As a father, businessman, entrepreneur, politician, adventurer, model, athlete, musician, Christian, and patriot, my life has been multifaceted, and I believe that my experiences can provide valuable insights for others as well. Life is unpredictable, and we all encounter challenges and setbacks. But having a sense of direction and stability is crucial in avoiding getting lost or falling off the edge. For me, guiderails have been the answer. The Bible and the Constitution of the United States serve as my guiderails, providing me with guidance and direction in decision-making. In summary, my guiderails have helped me to navigate life's winding and challenging path. By sharing my experiences and the lessons I have learned, I hope to inspire and guide others in their own journeys towards success, happiness, and fulfillment.