Learning to Teach in an Inclusive Era
Learning to Teach in an Inclusive Era starts a welcome conversation on educational inclusion. Such a conversation is missing in many developing countries; therefore, this is an important contribution to an emerging field that is still shrouded in uncertainty. Written by diverse lecturers in teacher education, this book is based on several authors’ interactions among themselves, with student-teachers in lecture rooms, in dissertation supervision, and on teaching practice supervision in several African countries. Such interactions revealed the tensions in understanding what inclusion is, and it is these tensions that the book tries to debunk by focusing on teaching methods that can make inclusion possible. The first two chapters are introductory and provide the conceptual framework, binding the book together by mapping out context and content. The next seven chapters form the bulk of the book and focus on specific aspects of inclusive education, including individualization, task analysis, peer tutoring, play, multi-sensory approaches, precision, and milieu teaching. Although these chapters use diverse illustrations, the final two chapters focus on two sensory disabilities: hearing and visual impairment. This book addresses inclusive education as one of the most pressing issues facing educators globally. The book provides a platform for critical engagement initiated by emerging African scholars.