REHABILITATION PROCESS OF MAGNETIC INTRAMEDULLARY LENGTHENING IN OLLIER DISEASE.Marta Ruiz Sanz1, Mu00aa Olga Arroyo Riau00f1o1, Alu00eda Gutiu00e9rrez Mesu00f3n1, u00c1ngel Josu00e9 Villa Garcu00eda2.1Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, General University Hospital Gregorio Marau00f1u00f3n, Madrid, Spain.2Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Service, Gregorio Marau00f1u00f3n General University Hospital, Madrid, Spain.Introduction: Ollier disease (multiple enchondromatosis) is a rare nonhereditary sporadic disorder, where enchondromas develop close to growth plate. Prevalence is around 1/100000.The usual orthopedic conditions are severe bone deformities, shortening of the limbs and fractures, that will be managed surgically.The femoral elongation over an intramedullary nail magnetically activated is an innovative alternative to lengthening against external fixation that difficults anchor to enchondromic injuries and presents a higher rate of complications.Despite the promising results, there are short series of cases in the bibliography.Purpose: The objective is to describe the clinical evolution, the rehabilitation process and the results of the lengthening over magnetic PRECICEu00ae (NuVasive) intramedullary femoral nail in Ollier disease.Method: We present a 17 years old woman with Ollier disease with initial dysmetria of 9cm submitted to a first surgery of femoral lengthening over an intramedullary nail and osteotomyon good quality bone in November 2016. The real lengthening of the left lower limb was 72mm. Daily index of distraction was 0.8mm.Secondly was necessary a re-centering of left kneecap (Elmslie-Trillat) in March 2017. In early postoperative she presented sciatic popliteal external nerve neuropraxia, neuropathic pain and anxiety.During the process, she worked in a multidisciplinary program, pediatric orthopedics and rehabilitation, with analgesic and functional objectives, AFO and gabapentin.Results: Six months later she presents hypometria of 1.8cm. Knee ROM 3u00ba-130u00ba, complete ankle-foot. Slight quadricipital atrophy. Deambulation without orthesis neither technical aids, rise of 1,5cm and slight claudication. Integrated in educational environment, without oral medication.Conclusions: The correction of lower limbs discrepancy with PRECICEu00ae (NuVasive) intramedullary femoral nail lengthening has been excellent. Complications have been reversible with surgical techniques and rehabilitation. The intensive early rehabilitation treatment, and psychological adaptation are essential to obtain successful results.