Commander-In-Chief (The 44Th President)
Ollie has never met the President, nor anyone connected to his family roots. Yet, in a personal way she feels connected because her perception of the President. She feels strongly the President identifies and connects with the common person within the community. While he holds one of the highest respected offices in the world, she thinks he is connectable to any person on every level through his displayed trust and honorable skill of communication. Therefore, this poem collection is through her personal perception of labor. She has debated with many foes and friends while listening to his speeches, reading his books and various articles which have been her only connection to the President of the United Stated of America, President Barrack Obama. The creation of these poems began three days prior to his reelection. When Ollie found it impossible to sleep rest or relax, an unhealthy state to find oneself, especially if you are a senior citizen; she put her pin to work, through this act alone, a state of relationship developed. It was through this act Ollies nerves curved. The President speeches connected deeply with Ollie. It was as if he was speaking directly to her, alone. Yet, Ollie know, she was a million Ollies. This President had the ability to touch ones soul. It was as if she was back into the VISTA World again, forty years yonder gone. Yes, this was the gifted auditor, who was a server of the people, the son of a Kenyan man, father; the Kansas mother who had attempted to expose her son to all elements of life, bringing him to this point.