Parties with a Purpose
Parties with a Purpose is a fresh, helpful guide to purposeful partying for the entire church family. It is packed with out-of-the-ordinary ideas to get you thinking, inviting, and ministering and —to help church people learn to enjoy each other's company, reach out to newcomers, and rediscover the art of friendship. "This book could have easily been entitled, How to Win the World Through Caring Friendship. Here is an array of practical suggestions for connecting with neighbors and work associates so that we can express the kind of relationships wherein Christ's love becomes known. In a post-modern world that hungers for truth to be wrapped in something more than pat phrases and declarations, Marlene LeFever shows us how to incarnate the Gospel in real friendships. In the midst of great proposals for how to set up progressive dinners, special holiday celebrations, housewarmings, and baby showers, Marlene offers us far more. In Parties with a Purpose, she offers us a theology of friendhsip and a host of real life stories that translate into guidance for living out Christian Hospitality." and — Tony Campolo, Eastern College, St. Davids, PA "Relationships are our greatest need and our greatest fear. We long to connect but struggle with knowing how. Parties with a Purpose provides structure and strategies for your church through hospitality. Building community is one of the keys to effective ministry within our post-modern world and this book will give you the necessary tools to make it happen." and —Ken Baugh, Director of Frontline Ministries, McClean Bible Church, McClean, VA