Häuser des Buches
A study of the role of Jewish libraries and book collections in modern Jewish history. Ch. 6 (pp. 117-141), "Vor und während der Katastrophe", discusses the fate of those in Europe during the Nazi period. In May 1933 students in German universities burned thousands of Jewish books, which had been declared "enemies" of the German state. Since Jews were undesired in German public libraries, their use of Jewish libraries increased significantly until the "Kristallnacht" pogrom, when many libraries adjacent to synagogues went up in flames. In 1939 all the remaining libraries, manuscripts, artworks, and religious objects were confiscated. According to a postwar estimate of losses in Eastern Europe, 375 archives, 957 libraries, 402 museums, and 531 research institutes were affected. The Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage, founded in 1941 in Frankfurt, comprised (until 1943) ca. 500,000 volumes of confiscated Jewish books. Reports, also, on the role of libraries in the ghettos of Warsaw, Vilna, and Theresienstadt.