A Spiritual Guide to Money
A Spiritual Guide to Money is a special kind of book. It is designed to give the serious seeker powerful tools to gain inner freedom and genuine spiritual experience. Like fishes swimming in the sea, unconscious of the water, we are unconscious of the psychological, emotional, and spiritual associations and reactions we have to the world of money that is all around us. Gaining awareness of these powerful beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors is a major step towards inner freedom. And inner freedom opens us to an entirely new spiritual awareness of ourselves and the world, regardless of the religious or spiritual tradition we follow. This book is full of stories that amuse and enlighten, and exercises that help the reader apply the book’s approach in his or her own life. It works at the psychological as well as on the spiritual level. It is written in nontechnical, easy-to-understand terms, and the easy, humorous tone it takes makes it fun to read. No matter what your spiritual beliefs, you can benefit from and enjoy reading this special book. Your relationship with money will never be the same again!