Mark Manders
This is a study of the Korean War of 1950-1953 from the inside--the nuts and bolts of armed conflict. The perspective is American, with the principal focus on the relationships of the people involved: Koreans versus Koreans, Americans and Koreans, Americans and Chinese, and the U.S. and its allies. The lives of ordinary soldiers are examined--U.S. forces, with attention paid to the other side as well. A major development in American ranks was the effective elimination of racial segregation. At home, there were surveys of Americans' opinions about the war. The book examines such important aspects of military operations as supplies, equipment and weapons, tactics and strategy, intelligence, and psychological warfare. Also studied is the vexing matter of prisoners of war--on both sides. Finally, there is an effort to fit Korea into the generalities of American military experience in Asia, from the war with Japan to Vietnam.