Water Supply and Pollution Control
"Water Supply and Pollution Control," Seventh Edition has been revised and modernized to meet the contemporary needs of civil and environmental engineering students who will be engaged in the design and management of water and wastewater systems, practicing engineers, and those planning to take the examination for licensing as a professional engineer. Warren Viessman, Jr. and Mark J. Hammer emphasize the application of scientific methods to problems associated with the development, movement, and treatment of water and wastewater. Treatment processes are presented in the context of what they can do, rather than compartmentalizing them along clean water or wastewater lines. The concept of total water management, recognizing that all waters are potential sources of supply, is a dominant theme. Improvements in the seventh edition include New material on water quality standards, water and wastewater treatment process design, water distribution system analysis and design, water quality, advanced wastewater treatment for recycling, storm water management and urban hydrology Major revisions of the sections on water supply and use, water distribution, hydraulics and hydrology of sewer and storm drainage systems, monitoring of drinking water for pathogens, membrane filtration, disinfection/disinfection by-products rule, biological treatment processes, and indirect reuse to augment drinking water supply The latest version of EPANET is introduced. This water distribution network model offers students an opportunity to address problems of all scale and to become acquainted with state-of-the-art software used by practitioners. New topics such as security ofpotable water supplies, the use of membranes in water treatment, and the application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to water supply and wastewater management problems have been introduced. More practical examples and many new problems have been added.