Super Swingin Heroes 1968 Special
FAR OUT! These Swingin' Super People are not only kooky and ooky, they're also fab, gear, and not a little bit groovy! In the SUPER SWINGIN' HERO 1968 SPECIAL you'll thrill to the audacious afterlife adventures of Ghostman, witness the outrageous origin of the Substandard Quintet, hang ten with Beauty and the Beetle, do the Frug with the fabulous Fate's Four, and marvel at the terrific transformations of Changeor the Mutable Man! And that's not all! Comics legend David Michelinie (Iron Man), Chuck Miller, Lisa Collins, Mark Halegua, Irwin K. Roberts, Lisa M. Collins, Bonnie J. Sterling, Thomas Deja, Sam Gafford, and edifying editors Jim Beard and Lee Houston Jr. are your guides through ten send-ups of the scintillating Silver Age of Comics - It's an uncanny collection of superhero prose fiction unlike anything you've ever read before!