Centurion Principle: the Protocol of Authority
It's a proven fact that your retention rate increases whenever you engage more of your five senses in wrestling with a thought, teaching, or book. This Huddle Playbook/Workbook allows you to use your untapped senses for greater learning while answering workbook questions and also in stimulating conversations with other personal growth-oriented men in a men's huddle small group. What did YOU say? What did that book page say? My point exactly! We need all the retention help, accountability, and personal application help we can get. Men's huddle small groups meeting in homes, health clubs, businesses, coffee shops, bookstores, or churches are the rage. Why? Because men's huddle groups are effective, effervescent, and efficient! Huddle groups are fun, challenging, life-giving, and encouraging. We call our men's small group meetings huddles because we men are on the same team competing against our common enemy, Satan, who is out to destroy our souls and our families. Men's huddles are all about men committing to gather to sharpen one another for the battle that rages! Huddle group discussion points and workbook questions are included in this Huddle Playbook/Workbook. They correspond with each chapter of Neil Kennedy's book entitled, "Centurion Principle: The Protocol of Authority." Each chapter will have more than enough discussion points and questions. These discussion points are meant to create life-giving thoughts and open dialogue among men. Don't settle for simple yes or no answers! Very likely you will have to pick and choose which discussion questions to use or perhaps you may want to have two discussion huddles for each chapter. The choice is yours! Customize and adapt this Huddle Playbook/Workbook for the uniqueness of your specific men's huddle group. Neil Kennedy's book found at www.fivestarman.com and this Huddle Playbook/Workbook are all about YOU! God wants you to grow as a man, father, worker, and husband through timely discussions with other guys. Your decision to become a "CENTURION" man under God's authority will bring protection, power, prosperity, and promotion to you and your family. Friend, God has placed a lot of responsibility on men to be the spiritual leaders of their families. It's time we got this "man thing" right! This study will help you redefine what it means to be a REAL man. Get ready friend...Neil's "Centurion Principle" book and this Huddle Playbook & Workbook will stir up within you Godly character, courage, and conviction. God has ordained YOU and this generation to reestablish the proper protocol of a man's authority at home, church, and in the marketplace. Are YOU ready to be a world changer? Today begins a new chapter of manhood as it was intended to be from the very beginning of creation. Saddle up cowboy! We have a mission from God to change this world one man at a time...one family at a time...one church at a time...one community at a time...and one country at a time. As in the Ana maniac cartoon, main character Pinky would say to his friend, "Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" Brain responds, "The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!" Let's do just that men! Let's take this world for the glory of God and let's have a ton of fun while we are at it (Matthew 28:19)! Dr. Mark Elliott, Pastor and Author resources like "Confessions of an Insignificant Pastor: What Pastors Wish They Could Tell You" and "Primary Purpose Small Groups" Small Groups ON Purpose Not ON Accident" can be seen at www.docmarkelliott.com and www.amazon.com.