Small Business Ideas
How to start-up a start-up Through stories of young entrepreneurs who have started businesses, this book illustrates how to turn hobbies, skills, and interests into profit-making ventures It doesn't matter how old you are or where you're from; you can start a profitable business. in this book you will find a strategies * Selecting your target audience to market to * Recognizing what the pitfalls are that new business owners should avoid * Finding financing if you need working capital for your new venture * Setting up the correct type of business (sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability or corporation) * Setting achievable goals (long and short-term) My names is Mark J Cooper, I am a husband and father of two children. My parents, very good people, have given me so much, the best of their economic and intellectual possibilities. They have always taught me to study a lot, take good marks, and look for a steady job with a good pay. Unconsciously they prepared me for the best prison I could have. At just 26 I was already a very stressed person, an absent father working all the time and a bad husband. At the age of 27, I decided to change my life, invest in entrepreneurial training, and study all passive income business. Studying these businesses also means immediately applying what has been studied, and it is precisely what I have done, becoming financially independent at less than thirty years old. In this series of books, I want to explain what I learned in these businesses, the mistakes I have made and provide to you with a series of winning strategies.