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A James Beard Award–winning field guide to artisan salts, with profiles of 80 varieties and 50 recipes that showcase the versatile ingredient. In Salted, Bitterman traces the mineral’s history, from humankind’s first salty bite to its use in modern industry to the resurgent interest in artisan salts. Featuring more than 50 recipes that showcase this versatile and marvelous ingredient, Salted also includes a field guide to artisan salts profiling 80 varieties and exploring their dazzling characters, unique stories, production methods, and uses in cooking; plus a quick-reference guide covering over 150 salts. Salting is one of the more ingrained habits in cooking, and according to Bitterman, all habits need to be questioned. He challenges you to think creatively about salting, promising that by understanding and mastering the principles behind it—and becoming familiar with the primary types of artisanal salts available—you will be better equipped to get the best results for your individual cooking style and personal taste. Whether he’s detailing the glistening staccato crunch of fleur de sel harvested from millennia-old Celtic saltmaking settlements in France or the brooding sizzle of forgotten rock salts transported by the Tauregs across the Sahara, Bitterman’s mission is to encourage us to explore the dazzling world of salt beyond the iodized curtain. Mark Bitterman is a man truly possessed by salt. As “selmelier” at The Meadow, the internationally recognized artisan-product boutique, Bitterman explains the promise and allure of salt to thousands of visitors from across the country who flock to his showstopping collection. “Salt can be a revelation,” he urges, “no food is more potent, more nutritionally essential, more universal, or more ancient. No other food displays salt’s crystalline beauty, is as varied, or as storied.” Winner – 2011 James Beard Cookbook Award – Reference & Scholarship Category IACP Cookbook Award Finalist in two categories
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Bitterman's Craft Salt Cooking
Bitterman's Craft Salt Cooking
The James Beard Award-winning author of Salted presents more than sixty recipes showcasing a range of natural, healthful, hand-crafted salts. Today, our planet is home to hundreds of craft salts, each reflecting its own native ecology and culinary traditions. In terms of flavor, nutrition, and sustainability, these salts are a world apart from your typical iodized, kosher, or even industrially manufactured sea salt. Now salt expert Mark Bitterman offers a master class in craft salt—from rock salt and fleur de sel to the many smoked and infused varieties—in this unique and enlightening cookbook. Mark introduces the different varieties of craft salt with convenient charts that make it easy to find the right salt for the right food. The recipes cover everything from Meat, Poultry, and Seafood to Sweets, Cocktails, and more. You’ll enjoy mouthwatering dishes like Colorado Beef Burgers with Mesquite Smoked Salt; Truffle Salt Smashed Roasted Potatoes; and Salted Latte Ice Cream with Lemon Espresso Drizzle. Plus, Mark’s the tips, techniques, and suggestions will help you elevate your own favorite dishes with the magic of craft salt.
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Salt Block Cooking
Salt Block Cooking
The original, bestselling book that focuses on salt block cooking, with seventy recipes designed for using this unique cooking tool. A precious mineral mined from ancient hills deep in Asia has stormed the American cooking scene. With hues ranging from rose to garnet to ice, Himalayan salt blocks offer a vessel for preparing food as stunningly visual as it is staggeringly delicious. Guided only by a hunger for flavor and an obsession with the awesome power of salt, award-winning author Mark Bitterman pioneers uncharted culinary terrain with Salt Block Cooking, which provides simple, modern recipes that illustrate salt block grilling, baking, serving, and more. Everyone who loves the excitement and pleasure of discovering new cooking techniques will enjoy this guide to cooking and entertaining with salt blocks. The introduction is your salt block owner’s manual, with everything you need to know to purchase, use, and maintain salt blocks with confidence. The chapters that follow divide seventy recipes into six techniques: serving, warming, curing, cooking, chilling, and of course, drinking. You’ll find recipes ranging from a minty watermelon and feta salad to salt-tinged walnut scones, beef fajitas served tableside, salt-cured candied strawberries, and salt-frozen Parmesan ice cream! This book is the definitive text on Himalayan salt blocks, written by the man wrote the definitive text on salt. Enough with salting your food—now it’s time to food your salt!
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Salt Block Grilling
Salt Block Grilling
Over seventy recipes for grilling traditional & nontraditional dishes on a Himalayan salt block from the bestselling author of Salt Block Cooking. Mark Bitterman is the foremost salt block cooking expert and one of the largest importers and distributors of Himalayan salt blocks. Everyone who loves grilling will find this guide from the author of Salt Block Cooking indispensable to such an innovative, powerful form of outdoor cooking. Salt blocks, made of a precious pink mineral mined from the ancient hills of Pakistan’s Punjab province, are available at specialty retail stores around the world, promising new adventures in searing, roasting, and baking on a grill. The introduction is your salt block owner’s manual, with everything you need to know to purchase, use, and maintain salt blocks with confidence. The six chapters that follow are divided into more than seventy recipes organized by key ingredient: Meat, Poultry, Seafood, Vegetables and Fruit, Dairy, and Dough. You’ll find recipes for Bacon Browned Pork Belly Burgers; Lamb Satay with Mint Chutney and Spicy Peanut Crumble; Salt-Seared Tuna Niçoise; Hot Salted Edamame with Sesame, Shiso, and Sichaun Pepper; and Salty-Smoky Walnut-Chocolate-Chunk Cookies.
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Michelangelo DiCaprio
Michelangelo DiCaprio
Readers will enjoy the fantasy journey of the protagonist, Michelangelo DiCaprio, as he ventures forth to find a new life beyond the Great Wall that divides the United States and California. In this unique work of magical realism, MICHELANGELO DICAPRIO: THE BEST ACTOR, author Mark Harris captivates readers with his use of humor, irony, and play on words to ultimately create a fictitious, yet strangely familiar world in which society's norms are upended. The novel takes readers on the protagonist's journey from the United States, a country depicted as underdeveloped and in deep decline and social disrepair, into the mythical world of a burgeoning and culturally lush California, which is no longer a part of the United States but rather a country unto itself. As with any life quest, Michelangelo's travels are fraught with danger and confusion. He must overcome many obstacles that attempt to overpower him and even threaten to take his life. Ultimately, Michelangelo is forced by a mysterious phantom to become an actor and to fight for the coveted A-Star Award for Best Actor given only to Hollywood's most accomplished actors. Author Mark Harris renders a brilliant story of an imagined world in which the protagonist is deeply challenged by his desires and emotions as he negotiates a world of high tech beyond his experience or understanding. The author intrigues readers with his ingenious references to many familiar aspects of traditional culture, such as the graphic design on the US dollar and Michelangelo's famous painting. Using a unique style of prose that will entertain and delight readers, Harris redefines the familiar and replaces it with an exciting and humorous new paradigm. This novel will provide you with an exciting reading experience. Readers' perceptions of the world as they know it will be delightfully overturned as the author, with bold imagination, presents the United States as a backward country, California as a developing country, and Mexico as a developed country. You will break from reality and travel into a new reality of time and place.
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Grillen auf dem Salzstein - Das Einsteigerbuch! Die besten Rezepte vom Salzblock-Profi
Grillen auf dem Salzstein - Das Einsteigerbuch! Die besten Rezepte vom Salzblock-Profi
Feuer und Salz – ein dynamisches Duo Entdecken Sie ein ganz neues Aroma. Beim Salzblockgrillen treffen sehr hohe Temperaturen und mineralstoffreiches, Millionen Jahre altes Salz auf das Gargut. Dabei entstehen eine unvergleichlich aromatische Kruste, ein neuer, ausbalanciert-gehaltvoller Salzgeschmack, eine überzeugende Neuerfahrung von Textur und Geschmack. Sie können auf dem Salzstein grillen, Sie können damit das Gargut von oben braten, Sie können auf dem Salzstein servieren. Für Fleisch, Fisch, Gemüse und Obst.
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The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg
The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg
It was many years ago. Hadleyburg was the most honest and upright town in all the region round about. It had kept that reputation unsmirched during three generations, and was prouder of it than of any other of its possessions. It was so proud of it, and so anxious to insure its perpetuation, that it began to teach the principles of honest dealing to its babies in the cradle, and made the like teachings the staple of their culture thenceforward through all the years devoted to their education. Also, throughout the formative years temptations were kept out of the way of the young people, so that their honesty could have every chance to harden and solidify, and become a part of their very bone. But at last, in the drift of time, Hadleyburg had the ill luck to offend a passing stranger-possibly without knowing it, certainly without caring, for Hadleyburg was sufficient unto itself, and cared not a rap for strangers or their opinions. Still, it would have been well to make an exception in this one's case, for he was a bitter man, and revengeful. All through his wanderings during a whole year he kept his injury in mind, and gave all his leisure moments to trying to invent a compensating satisfaction for it. He contrived many plans, and all of them were good, but none of them was quite sweeping enough: the poorest of them would hurt a great many individuals, but what he wanted was a plan which would comprehend the entire town, and not let so much as one person escape unhurt. At last he had a fortunate idea, and when it fell into his brain it lit up his whole head with an evil joy. He began to form a plan at once, saying to himself "That is the thing to do-I will corrupt the town." (From Chapter One)
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Cruciformed is a reader-response, narrative-critical study of Mark's gospel focusing on the two main components of any story: character and plot. It explores how readers will identify with the role of the disciples who are portrayed realistically as embodying both good and bad traits and how the chief plot device is the way that expectations of both disciples and readers are brought to surprising fulfillment and reversal as they interact with Jesus. Contents: Reading the Gospel as Literature; Components of the Markan Narrative; Mark's Characters and Plot; Structuring the Story; Prologue: Disorientation in the Wasteland; Scene One: Healings and Oppostition; Scene Two: Riddles and Rejection; Scene Three: Feedings and Frustration; Scene Four: Predictions and Delusion; Scene Five: Prophecies and Confrontations; Scene Six: Crucifixion and Desertion; Sequel: Reorientation for the Future; Cruciformed Readers in Today's World; Annotated Bibliography.
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Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Volume Two: Mark 8:30–16:8 and Implications
Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Volume Two: Mark 8:30–16:8 and Implications
At the time of Christ, world politics was an ebb and flow of colliding empires and forces. The world knew only dynastic succession and rule by force. Israel was swept up in this world. Her expectations of deliverance, while diverse, had in common the anticipation of violent liberation by an alliance of God, the expected one (Theo), and Israel's forces. Her vision included the subjugation of the world to Yahweh. Any messianic claimant would be expected to fulfill this hope. Mark's story of Jesus must be read against such expectations of military power. Mark knows that Jesus' plan of salvation differed radically from this. Rather than liberation through revolution, it involved deliverance through humble, loving service and cross-bearing. However, the disciples follow Jesus but do not understand Jesus' purpose. They constantly expect war. So, the Gospel is then read from Mark's full understanding and the disciples' flawed perspective. In this first volume of Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Keown backgrounds Mark and the political situations of the world at the time. He then unpacks Mark 1:1--8:29 as Jesus seeks to show the disciples he is Messiah while drawing out the deep irony of their incomprehension.
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