The Book of Orange
A man who can’t pronounce “anonymous” In high office, seems rather ominous. We don’t have to get all Deuteronomous: Brains and power are rarely synonymous. "I love every word Mark Childress writes, including this new compilation of his great political writing. He is brilliant and hilarious. " – Anne Lamott "You, sir, are a libtard!" – Glenn Beck New York Times bestselling author Mark Childress was like many liberal Americans whose life veered off the tracks as Donald Trump rose to power. In his day-by-day journal, Childress tirelessly pursues the funny side of America’s descent into Trumpism. From Viet Nam to New Orleans to the Women’s March and beyond, the author spins variations on all the absurd, ridiculous, head-exploding, enraging, unbelievable moments of the Trump Years. The book includes photos, tweets, teets, doggerel, lyrics, fake news, and all manner of hijinks, twaddle, & flimflammery. If Trump & Company drive you crazy, but you're almost ready to laugh - this is the book for you.