Life Remodeled
A Triumph of Faith, Hope, and Love From humble beginnings in western Pennsylvania, Mark Taylor dreamed of owning a remodeling business. After college, he worked his way into leadership roles with major corporations in the home building industry. And in 1991, after a decade of corporate experience, he launched Taylor Home Remodeling, quickly establishing a favorable reputation and diverse portfolio. Behind the scenes, however, rapid growth chiseled away at Mark's personal and professional foundations, setting the stage for devastation. Jeannie Taylor stood by her husband's career moves, sometimes helping him out administratively, but mostly consumed with caring for their home and three children. She trusted Mark completely, appreciating the life and security he provided. Until they crumbled away, challenging her deepest convictions. Courageous and vulnerable, Life Remodeled is a poignant account of Mark's entrepreneurial drive and the impact it had on his family. It is also, moreover, a powerful example of new life through faith in Jesus Christ. Small group study guide included! What People are Saying "With vulnerability and candor, Mark and Jeannie Taylor offer readers a front-row seat to watch God remodel their lives, relationship, and faith...brick by brick. We were moved to tears at the immense pain of their journey and inspired to never give up on life's biggest hopes and dreams. Every couple needs to read Life Remodeled together. It will strengthen your marriage as well as your relationship with Christ!" --- Shane Wilson, Lead Pastor, Christian Life Assembly, and wife Heidi "Finally, a book for real men (and women)! As Mark and Jeannie take us with them on their raw journey of losing everything in Life Remodeled, the reader experiences the emotions of their trauma through the lens of both a male and female perspective. The struggle of building a business, the pain of seeing their dreams demolished, and finally the process of rebuilding gives all couples hope for the day to day issues they are facing. Mark and Jeannie are resilient, and they learned how to rebuild their lives on the foundation of a relationship with Jesus. Life Remodeled is a tool for every marriage tool box." --- Don Immel, Superintendent, PennDel Ministry Network, and wife Robin "What does success look like in life? Family, business, church all looked good on the surface for Mark Taylor. Read Life Remodeled to see how God brought ark through the crucible of failure to lead him to restore relationship with his wife, family, his career, but most of all with his God. Every man and woman in your church should read this book and talk about this material together." --- David L. Balinski, East Coast Regional Director, Christian Business Men's Connection (CBMC) "Life Remodeled is a compelling and honest journey through the potential pitfalls of every leader -- male and female. It challenges us to look deep into our own behaviors and motivations, and it offers us a redemptive message for rebuilding our lives on the only firm and sure foundation -- Jesus Christ our Lord." --- Doreen Lecheler, Peak Performance Author, Speaker and Consultant "Life Remodeled is an amazing account of the faithfulness of God! The theme of God's care for his children is a constant thread through the chapters as Mark and Jeannie recount their journey. It is an encouragement to stop and notice how God has guided each of our lives." --- Dr. Stephen R. Tourville, retired Superintendent, PennDel Ministry Network, and wife Marjorie