The Master Book of Mark Lewis Power Stock Cold Palm Readings
This is a system of Stock Palm Readings that were written by Mark Lewis, the famous Irish Psychic, over his 26 years doing Psychic Readings at Psychic Fairs. These are NOT your conventional Palm Readings that you would find in some book on Palmistry! These are Marks VERY OWN 'Cold Readings', that will match 100% of ALL people, 80% of the time - Every Time! The Palms - are just a prop! These Readings were written in a special way, so that so that ANY Entertainer, Magician, Actor (or simply anyone), can become 'Psychic' - whether it be for Entertainment purposes, Marketing, Social Skills, or simply to just have an extra advantage over your competition. Who has more appeal? - A Singer, or a Singer that Reads Palms. - A Magician, or a Magician that Reads Palms. - A Busboy, or a Busboy that Reads Palms. Everyone will want to know you because of your newly-found skill! The mere mention that you are 'Psychic and a Palm Reader', will produce dozens of outstretched palms, from strangers that you have never met before, begging you to 'Read Their Palm' - Now! When you can produce a 80%-100% accurate Psychic Readings Every Single Time - then YOU become the Hero! I've seen it, and I have done it! - It is not-believable until you have done this for yourself! I have seen some of my 'Psychic' friends, enter a bar, only to find groups of women - SWARMING to them - just to get the first Palm Reading! I can tell you that you WILL meet many interesting people during your interaction of doing personal Palm Readings. These Readings can make you the life of the party! These Readings can ALSO earn you A Pile Of Cash! If you don't think its so, then I invite you to go to your nearest local Psychic Fair, and camp out in front of any Psychic's booth with a calculator. These Readings Work!!! They have been tested, and proven to work by Mark Lewis himself, and many, many other Psychics in the Psychic business. Now You, and ANYONE, can do Psychic Readings for fun or profit. You don't have to be Psychic or obtain any special skills to become a Master 'Psychic'. You just need to 'peek' inside the minds of people. This is what Mark has done for you in this 'Power Stock Palm Readings' publication, for Mark Lewis is not only a top Psychic Reader, but also a Master Stage Hypnotist! He knows the way the mind works. These are Marks VERY OWN 'Cold' Readings Based on his 100/80 Rule: These Readings will match 100% of ALL people, 80% of the time! All the hard work has been done for you! There is no easier way to become a 'Strolling Psychic'. For the first time in the history of his profession, Mark Lewis has allowed the publication of his 'Private Cold Reading / Palm Reading System', to be available to the public. Your tiny investment in this book, could bring you back HUGE pay backs - both Socially and Financially!