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Introduction to the Numerical Modeling of Groundwater and Geothermal Systems
Introduction to the Numerical Modeling of Groundwater and Geothermal Systems
This book provides an introduction to the scientific fundamentals of groundwater and geothermal systems. In a simple and didactic manner the different water and energy problems existing in deformable porous rocks are explained as well as the corresponding theories and the mathematical and numerical tools that lead to modeling and solving them. This approach provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the basic physical laws of thermoporoelastic rocks, the partial differential equations representing these laws and the principal numerical methods, which allow finding approximate solutions of the corresponding mathematical models. The book also presents the form in which specific useful models can be generated and solved. The text is introductory in the sense that it explains basic themes of the systems mentioned in three areas: engineering, physics and mathematics. All the laws and equations introduced in this book are formulated carefully based on fundamental physical principles. This way, the reader will understand the key importance of mathematics applied to all the subjects. Simple models are emphasized and solved with numerous examples. For more sophisticated and advanced models the numerical techniques are described and developed carefully. This book will serve as a synoptic compendium of the fundamentals of fluid, solute and heat transport, applicable to all types of subsurface systems, ranging from shallow aquifers down to deep geothermal reservoirs. The book will prove to be a useful textbook to senior undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduates, professional geologists and geophysicists, engineers, mathematicians and others working in the vital areas of groundwater and geothermal resources.
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Chicano Sketches
Chicano Sketches
Mario Suárez will tell you: Garza’s Barber Shop is more than razors, scissors, and hair. It is where men, disgruntled at the vice of the rest of the world, come to get things off their chests. The lawbreakers come in to rub elbows with the sheriff’s deputies. And when zoot-suiters come in for a trim, Garza puts on a bit of zoot talk and "hep-cats with the zootiest of them." A key figure in the foundation of Chicano literature, Mario Suárez (1923–1998) was among the first writers to focus not only on Chicano characters but also on the multicultural space in which they live, whether a Tucson barbershop or a Manhattan boxing ring. Many of his stories have received wide acclaim through publication in periodicals and anthologies; this book presents those eleven previously published stories along with eight others from the archive of his unpublished work. It also includes a biographical introduction and a critical analysis of the stories that will broaden readers’ appreciation for his place in Chicano literature. In most of his stories, Suárez sought to portray people he knew from Tucson’s El Hoyo barrio, a place usually thought of as urban wasteland when it is thought of at all. Suárez set out to fictionalize this place of ignored men and women because he believed their human stories were worth telling, and he hoped that through his depictions American literature would recognize their existence. By seeking to record the so-called underside of America, Suárez was inspired to pay close attention to people’s mannerisms, language, and aspirations. And by focusing on these barrio characters he also crafted a unique, mild-mannered realism overflowing with humor and pathos. Along with Fray Angélico Chávez, Suárez stands as arguably the mid-twentieth century’s most important short story writer of Mexican descent. Chicano Sketches reclaims Suárez as a major figure of the genre and offers lovers of fine fiction a chance to rediscover this major talent.
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Fuera Zapato Viejo
Fuera Zapato Viejo
Fuera zapato viejo! se adentra en los personajes, los lugares que se han convertido en templos de los ritmos afroantillanos y reúne una rica iconografía, cuyas imágenes parecen saltar de los ojos a los oídos, dando cuenta de la vitalidad social de la Bogotá, expresada a través de la salsa. Este libro, producto del trabajo conjunto de Idartes, el Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural y el Malpensante, cuenta cómo este género musical tuvo un protagonismo indiscutible en la transformación de la ciudad. Para hacerlo no se vale únicamente de las palabras sino de un extraordinario acervo de fotografías en su mayor parte inéditas. La imagen que resulta de allí, de esas casi 380 fotos, no solo desmiente el estereotipo de metrópoli triste que arrastra Bogotá desde el siglo XX, sino que nos descubre toda suerte de noticias sorpresivas. No muchos lectores sabrán, por ejemplo, que el grupo Niche nació en Bogotá o que grandes hits de la salsa como “Canela” fueron compuestos al calor de la rumba en el tradicional barrio de La Macarena.
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Escultura Barroca española. Nuevas lecturas desde los Siglos de Oro a la sociedad del conocimiento
Escultura Barroca española. Nuevas lecturas desde los Siglos de Oro a la sociedad del conocimiento
Como los grandes pintores, nosotros también queríamos hacer un gran libro, que por motivos de espacio y edición se ha convertido en tres, y sumando los granitos de arena de los treinta autores que lo componen, hemos creado un gran castillo de treinta y siete plantas/capítulos, con tres sedes, que nos cuentan una bonita historia barroca que se extiende desde finales del siglo XVI hasta ayer, cuando cualquier imagen, ya sea naturalista, barroca, clásico-barroca, preciosista, de Olot, de repoblación, popular, neo-barroca, neo-barroca gay, realista, hiperrealista, hipernaturalista, post Miñarro, post Zafra, post Buiza, post Duarte, post Suso de Marcos o 3D, fue compartida en una red social —alguno a lo mejor hasta se hizo un selfie con ella—, las queremos a todas. Esta gran obra que tiene por título "Escultura Barroca Española. Nuevas lecturas desde los Siglos de Oro a la Sociedad del Conocimiento", se compone de los siguientes tres volúmenes: – "Escultura Barroca Española. Entre el Barroco y el siglo XXI" – "Escultura Barroca Española. Escultura Barroca Andaluza" – "Escultura Barroca Española. Las historias de la Escultura Barroca Española"
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Cinque maggio
Cinque maggio
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Microhistorias de la transgresión
Microhistorias de la transgresión
El objetivo del libro es dejar hablar a la transgresión desde su singularidad, no como algo ahistórico, invariable y homogéneo, sino como algo sujeto al tiempo, a su variabilidad cultural, como algo fragmentario y con múltiples perspectivas. Con el acercamiento microhistórico, se busca evidenciar y debatir las conexiones entre las estructuras y las posibilidades de agencia de los individuos. El objetivo de esta aproximación es partir de lo particular para rescatar redes de significación que posibiliten recuperar prácticas cotidianas, voces silenciadas, espacios de agencia y su tensión con las relaciones de poder.
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Decolonizing Primary English Language Teaching
Decolonizing Primary English Language Teaching
This book tells the story of a project in Mexico which aimed to decolonize primary English teaching by building on research that suggests Indigenous students are struggling in educational systems and are discriminated against by the mainstream. Led by their instructor, a group of student teachers aspired to challenge the apparent world phenomenon that associates English with “progress” and make English work in favor of Indigenous and othered children’s ways of being. The book uses stories as well as multimodality in the form of photos and videos to demonstrate how the English language can be used to open a dialogue with children about language ideologies. The approach helps to support minoritized and Indigenous languages and the development of respect for linguistic human rights worldwide.
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