Moving Beyond the Pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain
"Moving beyond the Pandemic: English and American Studies in Spain" contains the Proceedings of the 44th AEDEAN (Asociación española de estudios anglo-norteamericanos) Conference held in November, 2021 at the University of Cantabria, Spain. The volume is structured into four different sections: “Plenary Speakers”, “Language and Linguistics”, “Literature and Culture” and “Round Tables”. The “Plenary Speakers” section includes papers written by two outstanding figures in the fields of Western Studies and Film Studies, respectively: Neil Campbell’s “An Inventory of Echoes”: Worlding the Western in Trump Era Fiction and Celestino Deleyto’s Transnational Stars and the Idea of Europe: Marion Cotillard, Diane Kruger. The “Language and Linguistics” section includes eleven papers that tackle a variety of issues concerning synchronic and diachronic phenomena in the English language of either native or non-native speakers at the phonetic, lexical, or grammatical level. These studies are indicative of the various current methodological approaches to research in subfields such as language teaching, contrastive linguistics, language contact or language variation, to name but a few. The “Literature and Culture Studies” section contains nineteen papers on topics as diverse as the field itself, ranging from Irish, Canadian, South African, Australian, American or English Literature to Film, Television and Cultural Studies. Finally, the “Round Tables” section comprises four round tables on Literature, Music, Film and Cultural Studies. The contributions included in this volume are a representative and significant sample of the quality of the research being carried out at present in Spanish Universities in the fields of English and American Studies, and are solid evidence that our field is moving beyond the pandemic and is in excellent health.