Drawn to Jesus
Picture this: You are sitting on your front porch having a cup of coffee as your husband leaves for work when, there before you in your mind's eye, you see a vision of God's hands wrapping you in a cloak of living feathers. God's voice penetrates your head and heart, filling you with awe and delight. Drawn To Jesus is like no other book. Marilyn Stewart has drawn the visions given her by God, as He instructed - with her eyes closed. She then has written each drawing's story: its birth, its timing in her life, and the lessons she learned. Marilyn's testimony to a real and present God, who speaks, heals, and walks with us today, will open a unique view into the courts of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit where one will want to visit again and again. Published by Burkhart Bookswww.BurkhartBooks.com